Core expertise &

My Services

Linux Server Maintenance

Efficient administration and maintenance of Linux servers for optimal performance and stability.

Linux Server Security

Implementing robust security measures to protect Linux servers against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

cPanel Server Issues Checking and Fixing

Identifying and resolving problems related to cPanel servers to ensure smooth operation.

cPanel to cPanel Server Migration

Smooth migration of cPanel-based servers, with or without root access.

WordPress Hack Recovery

Recovering hacked WordPress websites, restoring them to a secure and healthy state.

Linux Server Optimisation

Fine-tuning Linux servers to enhance speed, resource utilization, and overall system efficiency.

Linux Server Migration

Seamless transfer of data, configurations, and applications from one Linux server to another Linux server.

DirectAdmin Server Checking and Fixing

Diagnosing and resolving issues with DirectAdmin servers to maintain their functionality.

cPanel to DirectAdmin Migration

Migrating servers from cPanel to DirectAdmin control panel.

WordPress Migration

Transferring WordPress websites from one server to another, ensuring data integrity and functionality.

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